Cycle 11 Documents
Call for Proposals
Documentation supporting the current ALMA Call for Proposals – Cycle 11. Documents from previous Cycles are provided here.
Document | Description |
ALMA Proposer's Guide | Contains all pertinent information regarding the ALMA Call for Proposals |
ALMA Technical Handbook | A comprehensive description of the ALMA observatory and its components |
ALMA Users' Policies | The long-term core policies for use of the ALMA and ALMA data by the science community |
Observing With ALMA - A Primer | Introduction to interferometry and how to use ALMA |
ALMA Proposal Template | Zip files containing the proposal templates in LaTeX format. Recommended but not mandatory |
ALMA Proposal Review Process | A detailed description of the ALMA Proposal Review Process |
Principles of the ALMA Proposal Review Process | The latest version of the Principles of the ALMA Proposal Review Process |
Phase 1 & 2
ALMA Phase 1 (observing proposal) and Phase 2 (telescope runfiles for accepted proposals) materials are submitted through the ALMA Observing Tool (OT). Below are documentation which will aid the created and submitted of Phase 1 and Phase 2 with the OT.
Document | Description |
OT Quickstart | A Quick Start Guide for using the Observing Tool |
OT User Manual | Describes how to use the Observing Tool for preparing ALMA proposals |
OT Reference Manual | An in-depth description of the Observing Tool |
Video Tutorials | Video how-to for the Observing Tool |
Known OT issues | For those instances when OT problems are encountered |
Phase 2 Quickstart Guide | A Quick Start Guide for approved ALMA observing proposals - the process of Phase 2 |
A User's Guide to ALMA Scheduling Blocks | (Cycle 4) Guide to understanding the structure and content of ALMA Scheduling Blocks (SBs) using the Observing Tool (OT) |
Guides to the ALMA Regional Centers
The ALMA Regional Centers provide user support and host special activities related to their respective regions. Their functions are described in the 'Guide to'.
Document |
Guide to the East Asian ARC |
Guide to the European ARC |
Guide to the North American ARC |
ALMA Science Data Tracking, Data Processing and Pipeline, Archive, QA2 and Large Program Data Products
Document | Description |
SnooPI | SnooPI allows PIs, Co-Is and Delegees to track the observational and processing status of their ALMA science projects. |
ALMA Guides | CASA Guides for ALMA Data. |
CASA Documentation | check here for applicable CASA version |
ALMA Science Pipeline Documentation | The ALMA Science Pipeline has been developed with the goal of performing automated data processing before delivery to the user. It performs ALMA interferometric and single-dish data end-to-end processing (calibration and imaging). |
This document provides basic introductory information of how to use the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) data available through the ALMA Science Archive (ASA), including how to query, extract and scientifically exploit the content of the ASA. | |
ALMA Science Archive Manual |
The ALMA Science Archive holds all public and proprietary ALMA science data. The Archive provides a form-based query tool to the data and allows for anonymous or authenticated download. |
ALMA QA2 Data Products for Cycle 11 | ALMA data sets undergo a series of quality assurance (QA) processes. The QA2 stage is an assurance that the observations have achieved the characteristics requested in the proposal. This document describes the QA2 process and the data products delivered to the users for Cycle 11. |
Standard for Externally Contributed ALMA Large Program Data Products | This document details the standards for Large Program enhanced products to ensure their proper ingestion into the ALMA Science Archive. |
ALMA Reports, Memos and Technical Notes
Document | Description |
ALMA Memo Series | Technical reports regarding various aspects of the ALMA development and construction |
ALMA Technical Notes | Reports on testing and performance of ALMA observing capabilities |
ASAC Reports and Board Responses | Reports from the ALMA Scientific Advisory Committee (ASAC) and the Board Responses |
ALMA Proposal Submission and Selection Statistics | An overview of ALMA's proposal submission and selection statistics for each cycle, as well as the latest results from Director's Discretionary Time (DDT) proposals. |