
Science Highlight




Tarball Download Page

If you experience problems with the OT Installer, the tarball version remains available and the instructions for installing this have not changed.

For Linux and Windows users the tarball version comes with its own version of Java so it is not necessary to have a copy of Java 17 on your computer. Alternatively, if you wish to use a pre-installed version of Java 17, or you are using MacOS, a third version of the tarball installation is available that does not come with its own Java distribution. This should work on any OS, including MacOS. 

New for MacOS users: every version of MacOS from Catalina onwards does not permit a bundled JRE to be used due to security constraints. MacOS users in need of using the tarball should first independently install a Java 17 JRE on their machines (if not installed already!) before installing from the tarball with no JRE included. 

The installation instructions for the tarball version are:

1. Download the tarball in your preferred format:

2. Unpack the tarball (it will unpack into its own directory)

3. Run post-installation setup

  • Linux or Mac OS:

    cd ALMAOT-C11-2024/setup
    cd ..

  • MS Windows

-> Go to the ALMAOT-C11-2024/setup directory

-> Double click "Setup-Windows" (may read "Setup-Windows.cmd")

4. Start up the OT

  • Mac OS:

./ALMA-OT.command or double-click in a Finder window

  • Linux:

./ALMA-OT.sh or double-click in a window manager if this is configured to run executable files from the terminal

  • MS Windows

Double-click "ALMA-OT" (might read "ALMA-OT.cmd")